Cerrad operating with the largest electric energy generation unit in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship that’s powered by a gas turbine. The main goal of this investment is to improve the companies’ energy efficiency, while ultimately improving the condition of the natural environment and reducing impact on climate which is associated with global warming.
Energy – The currency of the 21st century
What else can be done for the world of design (and not only), apart from creating a timeless product with an excellent design and the highest quality? Solutions appear when the manufacturer’s thinking goes beyond the framework, and the environment becomes one of the main priorities when trying to create a socially responsible strategy for the company.
Energy, essential for life and functioning, and in our business environment a necessity during the design process and most definitely crucial during the manufacturing process of ceramic tiles! Decreasing natural resources, embargoes created by various international situations, forgoing coal use and focusing on reducing harmful emissions – this simply means that the time to talk about what can and should be done is long over. What’s needed is action and getting things done.
Green revolution
Over the years, Cerrad products have gained global recognition and received many international awards. Our specialists draw their creative energy from continuously looking at the world, acquiring new knowledge and intensively working on original and exciting ideas. And they refine it all with experience and talent. The result of their hard work is an excellent product which, in order for it to come into fruition, also needs help from some of the most modern production lines in Poland (and some of the most modern in the world).
Since May of 2023, this kind of modern technology has been in operation thanks to the cogeneration process, which is the simultaneous generation of heat and electricity. Years of intensive work on an effective and maintenance-free solution to the energy demand problem that Cerrad has been working on, resulted in the creation of an independent and fully efficient system located in the cogeneration power plant in Starachowice.
It’s the largest electric energy generating unit in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, with capacities of up to 5.12 MWe in a high-efficiency cogeneration with thermal capacities of up to 10.9 MWt, all based on a gas turbine powered by natural gas. The heat generated for technological needs satisfy energy demands of the company to a great degree, reducing the total consumption of gas and significantly reducing the costs associated with the purchasing of CO2 emission allowances. And what’s very important to add about this investment, is that the cogeneration technology will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and in the long-term, it will help to improve the overall air quality, something that we can be extremely proud of these days. And there are also other benefits associated with this endeavor, such as: improved quality of the natural environment, an upgrade in the communities’ image as environmentally friendly, along with increased local investments and the creation of additional jobs.
– High-efficiency gas cogeneration is one of the key elements in the implementation of Cerrad’s sustainable development strategy. Thanks to this process, Cerrad will be able to manufacture high-quality products at a competitive price, despite the ongoing upward trends in electricity prices. We strive to present that our philosophy of being united with nature is not only visible in our tile designs, but also in the clean air above our factory. Taking care of the environment is a logical and integral part of our operations, and not just a PR strategy. Energy independence and doing our part to reduce impact on the environment that’s causing climate change, are both very important factors in our organization – says Filip Cegłowski, Chief Commercial Officer.
The main objective of the investment is to increase energy efficiency at the Cerrad plant in Starachowice. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere to 32,836 tons of CO2 per year and to save 149,033 Giga joules of primary energy yearly.
– Generating electric energy with the capacity of 5.12 Mwe, while at the same time generating heat energy with the capacity of 10.9 MWt in a high-efficiency cogeneration system, will significantly reduce the consumption of electricity from the main power grid, and will balance out the total consumption of gas for technological needs at the plant. The cogeneration unit will provide 100% of heat energy necessary for the technological equipment at the plant and will secure electricity needs in the range of 60-100% for all the GRES plants – says Tomasz Linek, Energy Efficiency Manager at Cerrad. He also added that the operation of the cogeneration power plant will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and will reduce the demand for non-renewable energy. The implementation of this investment will also help to achieve Poland’s overall energy goals, which include expanding the number of high-efficiency electricity generating units that take into account the simultaneous reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, while maintaining a high level of energy security, like at CERRAD.
Thanks to the subsidies obtained from the European funds, it’s now possible to reach environmental goals quicker and to a greater extent. Nearly PLN 10 million in subsidies allowed us to finance a system with much better parameters and with much higher efficiency – comments Robert Cholewiński, EU Projects Manager at Cerrad.
The “Construction of a cogeneration system for CERRAD Sp. z o. o. based in Starachowice” project is co-financed by the European Union within the Operational ‘Infrastructure and Environment’ Program under the agreement executed with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management No. POIS.01.06.01-00-0112/19-00.