Modern Cogeneration System
Modern Cogeneration System
10 May 2021

Cerrad received funding for the construction of a modern cogeneration system

The realization of the project will positively impact as well as improve the quality of air in the region, reducing the risk of potentially developing respiratory diseases. It will also lessen the production plant’s effect on global warming.

The main goal of the project is to improve Cerrad’s energy efficiency by building a high-efficiency cogeneration system to generate heat and electricity. Another main objective is to also improve the condition of the natural environment by reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, in particular carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, dust and ash. By helping to improve the air condition in the region, the health condition for the residents will also improve (long-term), because the risk of developing respiratory diseases will be reduced. The project will also have a positive impact on limiting climate change related to global warming.

– I am very pleased that I get be involved in the gas cogeneration project from the very beginning. High-efficiency gas cogeneration is one of the key elements in the implementation of Cerrad’s sustainable development strategy, thanks to which, Cerrad will be able to maintain a high-quality of products at a competitive price despite the upward trends in electricity prices. The project received support in the form of a grant from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the amount of almost PLN 10 million – says Maciej Matter, Energy Efficiency Manager at Cerrad.

The cogeneration unit will produce heat needed for the spray dryers. The generated electricity will cover the needs for 3 parts of the plant.


The project is co-financed by the European Union from their European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Infrastructure and Environment Program for the years 2014-2020. The project is implemented under Measure 1.6 ‘Promoting the use of high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and electricity based on the demand for usable heat’, and sub-measure 1.6.1 . ‘Sources of high-efficiency cogeneration priority axis / Decreasing of emission rates’.

Total value of the project: 6.754.513 $

Co-financing of the project from the EU: 2.600.088 $